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aggTrees is an R package for aggregation trees, a nonparametric approach designed to discover heterogeneous subgroups in a selection-on-observables framework. This method helps researchers assess treatment effect heterogeneity by constructing a hierarchical sequence of optimal groupings, enabling estimation and inference of the group average treatment effects at different levels of granularity.

Key features

Data-driven subgroup discovery for causal inference.
Optimal partitions for identifying treatment effect heterogeneity.
Point estimation and inference for the average treatment effect of each subgroup.
Fully nonparametric — no need to pre-specify effect moderators.
Seamless integration with standard econometric workflows.
Active development & support - open-source and actively maintained.

🚀 Installation

To install the latest stable version from CRAN:


Alternatively, the current development version of the package can be installed using the devtools package:

devtools::install_github("riccardo-df/aggTrees") # run install.packages("devtools") if needed.


We welcome contributions! If you encounter issues, have feature requests, or want to contribute to the package, please follow the guidelines below.

📌 Report an issue: If you encounter a bug or have a suggestion, please open an issue on GitHub: Submit an issue

📌 Contribute code: We encourage contributions via pull requests. Before submitting, please: 1. Fork the repository and create a new branch. 2. Ensure that your code follows the existing style and documentation conventions. 3. Run tests and check for package integrity. 4. Submit a pull request with a clear description of your changes.

📌 Feature requests: If you have ideas for new features or extensions, feel free to discuss them by opening an issue.


If you use aggTrees in your research, please cite the corresponding paper:

Di Francesco, R. (2024). Aggregation trees. arXiv preprint arXiv:2410.11408.