Fit two-group/two-period models for qualitative outcomes to estimate the probabilities of shift on the treated.

causalQual_did(Y_pre, Y_post, D)



Qualitative outcome before treatment. Must be labeled as \(\{1, 2, \dots\}\).


Qualitative outcome after treatment. Must be labeled as \(\{1, 2, \dots\}\).


Binary treatment indicator.


An object of class causalQual.


Under a difference-in-difference design, identification requires that the probabilities time shift for \(Y_{is} (0)\) for class \(m\) evolve similarly for the treated and control groups (parallel trends on the probability mass functions of \(Y_{is}(0)\)). If this assumption holds, we can recover the probability of shift on the treated for class \(m\):

$$\delta_{m, T} := P(Y_{it} (1) = m | D_i = 1) - P(Y_{it}(0) = m | D_i = 1).$$

causalQual_did applies, for each class \(m\), the canonical two-group/two-period method to the binary variable \(1(Y_{is} = m)\). Specifically, consider the following linear model:

$$1(Y_{is} = m) = D_i \beta_{m1} + 1(s = t) \beta_{m2} + D_i 1(s = t) \beta_{m3} + \epsilon_{mis}.$$

The OLS estimate \(\hat{\beta}_{m3}\) of \(\beta_{m3}\) is our estimate of the probability shift on the treated for class m. Standard errors are clustered at the unit level and used to construct conventional confidence intervals.


  • Di Francesco, R., and Mellace, G. (2025). Causal Inference for Qualitative Outcomes. arXiv preprint arXiv:2502.11691. doi:10.48550/arXiv.2502.11691 .


Riccardo Di Francesco


## Generate synthetic data.

data <- generate_qualitative_data_did(100, assignment = "observational",
                                      outcome_type = "ordered")

Y_pre <- data$Y_pre
Y_post <- data$Y_post
D <- data$D

## Estimate probabilities of shift on the treated.
fit <- causalQual_did(Y_pre, Y_post, D)

#> ── CAUSAL INFERENCE FOR QUALITATIVE OUTCOMES ───────────────────────────────────
#> ── Research design ──
#> Identification:          Difference-in-Differences 
#> Estimand:                Probability Shifts on the Treated 
#> Outcome type:            
#> Classes:                 1 2 3 
#> N. units:                100 
#> Fraction treated units:  0.48 
#> ── Point estimates and 95\% confidence intervals ──
#> Class 1: -0.543  [-0.760, -0.326]
#> Class 2: -0.120  [-0.343,  0.103]
#> Class 3:  0.663  [ 0.465,  0.862]